Online Courses
2020-21 Wabash Middle School will begin offering online courses for students in grades 7-8. The online course option includes core subjects only. Related Arts courses and PE are not online offerings at this time. Related Arts courses can be added to a student's programming but would require the student to attend school in person for that coursework.
If choosing the online option is best for your family, a WMS representative will follow up your request with a phone call to design an educational plan that best suits your student's needs prior to the start of school. Online courses are taught utilizing the Canvas platform and delivered through your student's iPad. Each course is facilitated by an appropriately credentialed Wabash City Schools educator. Questions can be directed to WMS (260-563-4137) or Mr. Mattern directly at
WMS Online Course Guidelines
Students may enroll in online courses programming at the beginning of each quarter.
Enrolling in the online courses means a student will take all online courses offered at that grade level. Students may come to school for electives by parental transport.
Teachers will deliver instruction through IPADS (School Issued) utilizing Canvas.
Students enrolled in online courses programming will receive and return work utilizing Canvas.
Student performance will be reviewed at midterms and the quarter. Students will be expected to maintain grades of a C- or above at each of these performance reviews.
Students must mark themselves present in the WMS-Online Canvas page daily by 10:00 am. Each day a question will be posted as a quiz for students to answer - any answer means a student is present.
Teachers will provide office hours or direct contact opportunities for students two times per week.
Communications with students from the office will be sent through Canvas Notifications. Students will see an alert on the notification on their inbox on the Canvas homepage.
Any questions should be directed to your student’s teachers. Canvas is a great communication tool using the inbox function. Email is also a good means of contact. Always feel free to call the school and we can facilitate contact as well.